Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Wilderness becomes a fruitful field

I just want to begin to say how great is our God!

On Sunday night attended a church service with Dave McCracken who had a prophetic word to speak to everyone. God surely did do some breakthrough and anointing of His Spirit.

God spoke to me about some goals that he wanted me to set personally and on a church level. A few of them was to be holy, submit to him, and be hungry for more. As we were praying some faces from my Employment Plus Training Session appeared into my head. I felt like I needed to pray about it.

Monday morning came along and I walked in, feeling so pumped from the Sunday night. I sat down and continued with work. I knew of this guy Jake that he was a surfer but that’s really all. Anyways the session ended and I went into the computer room and started looking up Christian sites. He was like oh man, you a Christian too so we talked for a bit about Jesus and being born again.

Today being Tuesday we were in class and out of the blue another girl opened up and said she attended church too. Jake and I were so excited so we sat there and started to talk about commitment to Jesus. One girl asked us what we were talking about and we told her. She laughed but I know God is going to use us to transform the lives of these people.

Jake and I have talked and on our 15 min break we are going to start a prayer group and then catch up for lunch. Jake and I went to mcdonalds and talked for 4 hours after the session about our journey with God and how awesome Jesus is. Some people sitting around listened in which we thought was awesome.

Praise God. Jake and I have the same thought of some things and we are going to work together in attending to some of these things that God has placed on our hearts.

God is rising up his army. Its time to pray and listen to the direction of what God wants us to do. Praise God. Ill keep you posted on future developments!

Isaiah 32:15
Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is valued as a forest.

Amplified Bible